Dutch Naval Design & Dutch Defence join forces

Technologically highly advanced, sustainable, autonomous and operationally flexible. These qualifications will apply to new unmanned vessels for maritime operations in about four years' time. Defence and Dutch Naval Design are teaming up to develop this so-called unmanned surface vessel (USV). The two parties recently laid this down in a contract.


The 12-metre-long innovative vessels are crucial for anti-submarine warfare. They will therefore do their work from the Anti-Submarine Warfare Frigates to be delivered around 2030. For anti-submarine warfare, a helicopter accompanies the current frigates. Soon, this aircraft will no longer have to perform this task alone. 

The USV can do it too; they are capable of conducting operations for longer periods of time. Combined with unique sonar equipment, this represents a major advance in the fight against enemy submarines.

CONTRACT Dutch Naval Design

Protecting our waters

Head of the Maritime Systems Division, Captain-Treasurer Olaf Binnenhei, calls the contract a milestone. "It represents significant progress for Dutch and international maritime safety. By joining forces, we are taking a big step forward in protecting our waters using the latest technologies."

Dutch Naval Design

RH Marine is part of Dutch Naval Design, a partnership between defence, knowledge institutes and the maritime industry, which is working towards naval ships of the future. An important initiative started by COMMIT's Maritime Systems division, given the planned modernisation of almost the entire naval fleet over the next 20 years. Dutch Naval Design has identified 7 technology areas in which we want to jointly innovate:

  1. Smart Maintenance
  2. Manning and automation
  3. Survivability
  4. Digital twin
  5. Autonomy
  6. Energy and mobility
  7. Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)


Marin, as a knowledge institute associated with Dutch Naval Design, created this conceptual animation of FlexSchip, the naval ship of the future, in a virtual simulation environment.

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