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Training in integrated systems

Ship automation: all knowledge at hand

RH Marine offers comprehensive training for the Rhodium systems, both standardised and customised. 

The training courses fully familiarises users with the systems and can take place in our modern facilities in Rotterdam and Schiedam, on board your vessel or remotely. These hands-on training sessions ensure that your team can use and maintain the systems effectively.

Standardised and user-specific

Our training courses are tailored to the systems and required skills of the crew of naval and security vessels or the crew of a luxury superyacht. 

RH Marine, for example, offers separate training courses in ship automation for operators and maintenance engineers. Our courses combine theory and practice and explain the platform concept. We show what signals are generated by the ship and how they should be handled and monitored.

Training programme for Rhodium Automation

The Rhodium Automation courses are given at our training facility in Schiedam, remote or onboard. 

During the course we explain the platform concept, and show which signals are generated by the ship and how they must be handled and monitored. We offer a separate training for operators and for maintainers. 

The courses consist of a unique combination of theory and practice.

Upon your request we can even make a complete virtual copy of your vessel to simulate the situation on board and create a completely tailor-made training.

We offer the following courses in ship automation:

  • Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS) for operators: complete training about working with the IPMS.
  • Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS) for maintenance staff: daily and regular (preventive) IPMS maintenance and more specialised maintenance issues related to the system (troubleshooting, corrective maintenance).
  • Propulsion Control System (PCS): understanding the purpose and operation of the PCS. Managing the propulsion system: what is needed to meet navigation requirements?
  • Power Management System (PMS): understand the purpose and operation of the PMS. Practical experience in operating Power Management Systems on board ships.

Training programme for Rhodium Bridge

Bridge automation training is given at the RH Marine training facility in Schiedam. If required, it is also possible to set up the training on board your vessel or to provide the training remotely. This service is delivered through online training tools with the use of a virtual ship environment.

The digital training environment enables the crew to make optimal use of their own systems, assisted live by a qualified instructor. 

The bridge automation training programme combines theory and practice in a fully operational bridge environment.

We offer the following courses in bridge automation:

  • Integrated Bridge System (IBS) for operators: complete course consisting of all bridge automation systems on board.
  • Integrated Bridge System (IBS) for maintenance staff: hands-on training for maintenance staff. The course covers regular maintenance issues as well as more specialised topics.
  • ECDIS: Electronic chart display and information system.
  • Radar; the training covers operating the radar/ ARPA system, interpretation of the radar image, plotting and predicting relative movement, rules and regulations.
  • Autopilot; the training covers autopilot operation and system features, control modes, sensor management, alarms and operational awareness.
  • Dynamic Positioning; general principles of Dynamic Positioning, system coordination, interpretation of sensors, operation of thrusters and manoeuvring systems. Legal issues, rules and regulations and DP incidents are also covered.
  • Navigation sensors: this course covers all equipment connected to the bridge, such as GPS and navigation lights.

Especially for naval ships: Multi Platform Procedure Trainer

Naval ships can suffer damage both during combat operations and in peacetime. To train procedures during calamities, RH Marine has developed a generic trainer together with the Royal Dutch Technical Training Organisation (KNMTO). Whereas previously each ship class had its own simulator, the new Multi Platform Procedure Trainer (MPPT) offers a universal solution. 

With the MPPT simulator, an instructor can adapt the training environment to the specific ship class and emergency procedure at the push of a button. This is a big advantage for the KMTO, as different shore-based situations can be trained safely.

Five members of the Royal Australian Navy recently attended a short training course at RH Marine for an introduction to the complete bridge and platform automation system. "The training was practical, hands-on and tailored to the participants. The training gave naval personnel the opportunity to practice and troubleshoot faults with the system that are not normally allowed on RAN ships."

RH Marine: your lifecycle partner

Expert in systems integration for the maritime sector

As a leading systems integrator and full-service provider, RH Marine offers comprehensive training for crews on your vessel. Contact us today to find out how we can support and transform your crew with appropriate training.

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