BDR - Battle Damage Repair

Part of the Rhodium Damage Surveillance And Control (DSAC) product line


Battle Damage Repair is part of the Rhodium Damage Surveillance And Control (DSAC) product line. During calamities on board, the normal work process can be drastically interrupted. 

Applications from the Rhodium DSAC suite help maintain control at such hectic times and take away a time-consuming burden.

Simplified data exchange

RH Marine's Rhodium Battle Damage Repair (BDR) system is designed to restore damaged equipment, regardless of the cause of failure, to a combat-ready state as quickly as possible. This system is crucial for maintaining equipment availability during operations. 

Crews must have extensive knowledge of damage control equipment and materials available and be able to quickly analyse and determine appropriate corrective action. In the event of damage caused by an attack, for example, the damage must be investigated and repaired immediately. 

BDR simplifies data exchange, making information available to the right people faster, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Fast and effective damage repair

RH Marine's Battle Damage Repair (BDR) system provides a fast and effective way to repair damage on board naval vessels. Depending on the command aim, a digitised ticketing system allows the crew to prioritise and assign crew members to specific tasks and repairs. 

This structured approach allows crew members to act quickly, exchange information and prioritise, leading to more efficient repair of weapon systems, mechanical propulsion and electrical systems. This maximises the operational availability of the ship and ensures safety on board.