Radar4600 5


Advanced Rhodium RADAR for integrated bridge systems

Seamless integration

As part of the Rhodium integrated bridge solution, RH Marine's Rhodium RADAR offers an IMO-approved RADAR solution that integrates seamlessly with scanners of different brands.

Designed for specific markets and applications

Rhodium RADAR is designed for specific markets and applications, with capabilities to combine images and targets from multiple scanners for a unified view. 

Within the integrated bridge, colour schemes and settings can be managed centrally, while shared data such as routes and targets are synchronised with other bridge applications. ECDIS charts can be used as a sub-layer in the RADAR and the RADAR image can be displayed as an additional layer on the ECDIS.

Radar4600 5

Maximal situational awareness

The Rhodium RADAR 4600 offers advanced image and target fusion with the following features:

  • Image fusion: combine RADAR images from multiple sensors into one clear image;
  • Target fusion: show targets from multiple scanners as one, combined with AIS data;
  • Supported scanner brands: compatible with various RADAR scanners;
  • LAN scanner: connection via Ethernet cables for efficient data transfer;
  • Excellent target detection: performance in target detection and display;
  • Full ARPA functionality: supports up to 70 targets;
  • Increased PPI: for maximum situational awareness;
  • Intelligent Functions: provides advanced capabilities beyond basic IMO standards.

This advanced RADAR solution allows you to move from analogue to networked scanners and benefit from improved situational awareness and integration with other bridge components.